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On the unit renewal tab of Organization Manager, we have one adult leader in a role that needs to be removed to be able to sign: “I approve the renewal of the above-named unit and leadership for the year.”
Additionally, we have two more adult leaders on the roster who need to be removed. All three of these leaders left in Feb 2024 with AOL bridging. After contacting the Council, they were also unable to remove them from the roster.
On the my.scouting.org Roster - to Far Right - there is an Opt Out - you can Opt Out members there are long as you are in the renewal window - then about 24 hours later - they will drop of your renewal stuff.
Two of the three adults rostered have already been in an “Opt Out” status for a week or more. I just clicked the Opt Out for the third one now.
All three of the adults’ memberships have expired as well.
The Council did attempt to remove them (I’m not sure of the specific actions they took), but they were unsuccessful.
One thing I am wondering on this stuff - putting YPT aside for a moment - what harm would it do having them on renewal if their own Registration will take them off - as they are separate processes now?
YPT is a little different as it is a manual process for Councils to remove folks it seems (at least in the 1 year YPT ones like mine.)
I’m somewhat being a stickler on having to attest to this statement: “I approve the renewal of the above-named unit and leadership for the year” and the odd situation that when I do things that are supposed to remove adults removed from the roster (Click the Opt-Out, contact Council), the adults remain on the roster.
When I run a YPT Aging report, the adult who is listed in the Unit Renewal Unit Leadership section has an active YPT under the 2 year rule.
The other two adults are listed on the roster, but not listed on the YPT Aging Report.
@RyanHendrickson - this is not like the old recharter. This is now membership subscription based so removal is done via opt out so it is non-payment that removes
I was as well, early in the season. I too said this was a flaw, why can’t I remove them? I had our commissioners, recharter person, and registrar check with their resources. All said they can’t be removed and will expire on their own. I said I didn’t want to say I approve their leadership if they aren’t continuing. I got nowhere. So, I opted them out and moved on.
None of the documentation says it removes them. So, my, your, our, expectation was/is greater than what we are given.
What happens if someone has transferred units? We have an adult that is dual registered, but he hasn’t paid his new unit yet. How do we remove him from our roster?
Council has said they have completed the transfer process, but he’s still on the roster more than a week later.
@RyanHendrickson - your only concern in this process is that your unit is renewed and those members have paid and are showing 2025 expiration dates. One other thing that will most likely be unsettling for you is if folks join throughout the year they will expiration dates that are not 12/31.
Yeah it seems too many of the old elements where kept - at unit renewal, individual memberships are not touched at all - I see them everyday for folks.
I received a Member Renewal Information email that categories adults either as “dropped” or “opted out”. Is there a way to drop an adult vs. opting one out?
@RyanHendrickson - you can either renew the unit or cease to exist because you went past the expiration period. Beyond that the unit renewal was all of $101. I did double check my Renewals email and the dropped where indeed those who let the YPT expire and never re-took the course in the specified time period.
I know of no interface to do this. Adults who are past 2 months (or 3) seem to drop, but are still listed with a caution triangle and are greyed out. The thing is, they are still listed.
Thanks all for the assist and confirmations about the system. I ended just moving along and separating concerns about removing adults who don’t belong on the roster from that of renewing the unit’s charter.
We have rechartered and renewed all of the leaders and scouts that will be continuing. But those we “opted out” still show up on our roster, despite being past their expiration dates, and keep reappearing in Scoutbook each time there’s a sync. Is there a point where they will actually drop off permanently?
Scouting America currently has a 90 day grace period after expiration hoping this will encourage people to still remain members. After 90 days they will drop from your roster.