Looking at this previous thread, it seems like I can’t drop an adult leader; but we have adult leaders who have opted out and thus didn’t renew their YPT so we can’t get through the recharter. How do we drop them?
@MicahMarkman - my experience has been that if they fail to do YPT they will be suspended and dropped by council.
@MicahMarkman so they did OPT OUT? Maybe a question to ask the Rep at Council about
This process is what I tried to do; however the opt-out function is greyed out for the two adults I need to remove. Their Renewal Status is Initiated and Renewal Status is Eligible to Renew.
Looks like I get to call the rep at the council to try to figure out how to get people off.
For others, we fixed this. There was a hanging renewal order that was never completed for the adult leaders and once we deleted this; we were able to opt them out.
That was the one (or both?) that were listed as “initiated”?