Unit to temporary Lone Scout

My kids were all in units (Cub pack and Scout Troop). They all have scout accounts in Scoutbook, though one appears to be out of date as his unit did not use Scoutbook. We have moved recently and registered with the new council as Lone Scouts until we find a house and then new units. Will Scoutbook automatically update or will we need to obtain something from the new council before we change their profiles in Scoutbook? In the past a new council has always meant new BSA numbers, so I don’t want to do something and cause more problems. However, I also don’t want to wait too long and have the old unit delete their accounts.

My understanding is that Scoutbook doesn’t handle Lone Scouts, and all advancement has to be managed through council. I would talk to your council about exactly how they handle advancement for Lone Scouts.

It’s a bit concerning that one of the scouts doesn’t have his advancement up-to-date in Scoutbook, since I understood that anything filed with the council, whether through paper forms or Internet Advancement, was supposed to push to the same database as Scoutbook uses. Maybe I’m misunderstanding how it works.

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