User Journey: I want to have the overall merit badge approval prevent earning an award if a prerequisite merit badge has not been earned and approved in Scoutbook.
- Ability to have the system search for prerequisite merit badge approval when that merit badge is required for a different merit badge. Affected merit badges are Emergency Preparation requires First Aid, Whitewater requires Canoeing or Kayaking, and Lifesaving requires Swimming).
- Ability for the system to review records of merit badge approvals prior to allowing an authorized approver to approve a merit badge for a scout and prevent the approver from inputting approval if the following conditions are not met: For Emergency Preparation merit badge, the system must verify the First Aid merit badge is already earned, for the Whitewater merit badge the system must verify the canoeing and/or kayaking merit badges are already earned, and for the Lifesaving merit badge the system must verify the Swimming merit bade is already earned.
- Ability to have a popup message appear when an authorized approver seeks to approve a merit badge and the conditions for prerequisite merit badges is not met that tells the approver the scout has not met prerequisite merit badge approvals to earn this merit badge.