Use Scouting App only or ~must~ parents/scouts login to

All of our scouts have scoutbook records which our ASM’s use to update advancements. I would rather point our scouts to using the scouting mobile app exclusively instead of trying to explain If we instruct scouts to simply download the scouting app and follow the instructions to create a account using their BSA ID, will they auto-magically be able to view their scoutbook records?

Or is there some additional step that needs to happen with the scout or parent first logging into and sending invites or something? It seems like enough info (BSA ID) exists to make the backend association and I’d rather not confuse parents or scouts with full scoutbook if I can just point them at the scouting mobile app only.


Scouts have to have their parents invite them to Scoutbook, and activate their Scoutbook account before they can use the Scouting app with their own user ID.