User Can't access API / User can't approve Requirement

I’m an Assistant Den Leader, and I’m having the following issues:

  1. Can’t approve my own child requirement as “Mark as approved/Recorded”.
  2. Can’t approve enter any other scout in our den.

When I try doing #1, I get a “User can’t approve requirement”,

When I try doing #2, I get “User doesn’t have access to API” error for any of the scouts in our den:

I have tried switching years and switching back, currently can’t do that any more only shows 2024. I’ve tried shift + refresh. I have tried both Edge (even in private mode) and Chrome (even in incognito mode) and I get the same results. I used to be able to do this in scout book. Attempted Firefox but Internet Advancement doesn’t load correctly and chops off part of the web so unable to test in Firefox.

The only thing I have been able to figure out I can do is record that my child has done an activity but providing the date, and just not checking the box to the right. And applying comments to the other scouts in our den.

@AndrewCoughlin if I recall correctly under the initial release assistant leaders were not given approve rights as that is for a future story

@DonovanMcNeil That doesn’t make sense as in the past assistant leaders had this ability. If this is the case, this should have been a feature parity or not switch to Internet Advancement until there was feature parity.

Well that was also an issue with SB - Any leader could approve - Committee Members could even if not there job - there is a plan to give units control over this approve access - so that ability at the beginning was given where it clearly lies for 99% of all units.

Then if that is the case, then that feature should have been implemented on day 1, not after the fact many days, weeks month, after it was rolled out. When there has been plenty of time wasted by the leaders and the team that supports internet advancement. Something wasn’t not clearly thought of before it was implemented. As leaders we already have enough stuff to do, we don’t need a system hindering our ability as well.

I can’t start a question on here and I don’t have all day to search so here goes. My kids in my den have different requirements. 2 we’re at the same camp a few weeks ago, earned same badges. 1 plugged in fine, no problems other than I can’t plug in more than 1 kid at a time. My other kid has all/only the old requirements and only 1 was the same. I can’t plug in any other that she earned. Also, what is API? New program has WAY too many little features that are not needed at the Cub level and makes it hard to find what I’m looking for. Not a fan at all

@MaureenPike - api is application program interface… but make sure all scouts are on the same rank version by going to each scout rank page and select 2024.


I think you need to do it in the lowest level forum vs at the top. I think that is how I stopped seeing the issue as I have seen it before.