Validate Full Access to Scoutbook Mobile

How do I validate that I have full access rights to Scoutbook Mobile? I am unable to find the BSA History Report, etc. when I click on the scout under the Roster so I think it may be a rights issue.

@NealPatcha - are you talking about Scoutbook or the scouting app as found in the app store for IOS and android ?


@NealPatcha - lets first look at your position in the unit. If you go to your account, then positions what is listed there ? Or are you a parent ?

I am the Unit Advancement Chair when I look at my profile

OK. So click on a scout, the scroll to reports, click on that and can you list what you see ?

I see the following under Run Reports when I click a scout:

Advancement Report
Advancement History
Unit Roster

If I actually go into the scounts record, there is no option for Reports

@NealPatcha - you are in internet advancement and NOT scoutbook.

I am in

Yes and that is internet advancement and NOT

Should I be here?

For the boy scout history report yes indeed.

Thank you!! But there are no scouts listed when I select Individual Advancement Record, Scouts BSA Report. Any ideas?

@NealPatcha - I can set up a screen share to take a look if you wish… just email and we can take a look.

Look under my dashboard > administration > my account > my connections. Do you have connections to any scouts? Are they edit advancement or full control?

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