Welcome! This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
There seems to have been an update within the past few weeks that has removed an advisor’s ability to approve merit badges and rank requirements for members working towards Eagle, especially partials started at a troop they have since left. There also is an inability to approve the start of merit badges as a unit leader. It appears the “enable tab” for scouts bsa advancement in the old profile tab has also disappeared since the profile edits are now within internet advancement.
Can someone let me know if this is a glitch or an intended edit that someone can show me a solution.
There is a known issue with activating Scouts BSA advancement for Venturers and Sea Scouts. The developers are aware and we have asked them to make restoring this capability high priority. Watch the Scoutbook Change Log forum for an announcement when it is fixed.
Thank you Ed for confirming this issue because we have never had this issue before until they started migrating more profile info into internet advancement. Even the additional info tab that had the switch to turn on scouts bsa advancement is completely gone.
I’ll pass this on to other advisors asking the same thing in other forums.