When I send the Invitation Link to an adult (18+) to join our Venturing Crew, only the option to sign up as Youth is given as an option. This is not an issue for Pack or Troop. Is this a way to complete a paperless application to join the Crew? I have Scout in our Troop that just turned 18 that would like to join. I don’t want to facilitate a transfer because he’s still waiting for his Eagle Board of Review. And I also have ASMs in our Troop that would like to multiple as Assistant Crew Advisors. I have also tried the +New Lead route but they are still sent to a page that only allows enrollment for Youth 14-17. What am I missing here? Or is my.scouting just forgot to turn that option on for Crew?
@MHTroop511KDC - that would have to be enabled in my.scouting.org for the crew
this is what I see:
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Thank you! I found that I can turn on that option on Organization Manager. It’s working now. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
@MHTroop511KDC - glad that worked and you are very welcome. Do note that adult apps can only be approved by the COR or COR delegate
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