"view profile" link is not visible on roster page

while viewing the roster page maximized in a web browser on a PC the “view profile” link for each scout is not visible. while viewing the same page on a mobile device or when the web browser is reduced in size on the PC, the link is visible.

URL of page:

@DavidDeLong - what is the zoom setting on your browser window. Perhaps a screenshot of what you are referring to.

Zoom is 100%. I tried this in both Chrome and Brave and the behavior is the same. Attached are 2 screenshots. The screenshot of the reduced page shows a “view profile” link at the bottom of the scout’s card. The maximized screenshot does not. I suspect the “view profile” link is replaced by clicking the row in the maximized screenshot, but I am not sure. Notice the rows are disabled in the maximized screen shot. this could be the problem. I cannot select the checkboxes on the left nor can I change the opt-out switch because the rows are disabled. Interestingly, I can reduce the page and select scouts by clicking the cards. When I maximize the page again, the scouts are checked on the left but still disabled and I cannot unselect them

Well it is 2 different interfaces - on laptop all you have to do is tap name

both are on the same laptop, same browser and session.

@DavidDeLong - i guess the question to ask is what are looking to do? I have no issue selecting and deselecting the scouts.

It might be a permissions issue. What are your registered positions / roles in the unit?


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