I can’t log on. Been using Scoutbook from the beginning. Now it tells me ‘We were not able to log you in. Please refresh the page and try again’ This has happened for the past two days. I can get in on my desk top and phone, but not my laptop. What has happened?
What browser are you using? Can you try an incognito or private window?
@DavidColonna - well your post indicates an issue with one device (laptop) but others are fine… so not a scoutbook problem.
This laptop has Scoutbook and MS Office Excel & Word only. Nothing else. No Mail nothing. One search engine 'DuckDuckgo" It is used for BSA only. It’s been fine until 3 days ago.
Try holding down the shift key and clicking the browser’s refresh button. It sounds like you have a cache issue in the browser.
@DavidColonna - i just logged into scoutbook with duckduckgo on my phone and had no issues. As it works on your other devices it is that laptop at fault. I think this should be moved to using scoutbook as there is no scoutbook bug or issue
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