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I noticed this today because this parent emailed the pack and it showed up as coming from her scout. I’ve never seen this happen before.
In “messages” this scout’s name appears as the only “Youth Member” I can email in my Pack. I have a Cub pack so none of the scouts have had emails listed
Something is really bizarre here. I feel like this was not the case a few months ago. Can you please investigate and advise what is going on? It seems like the accounts are either swapped or set up with crossed contact info. Please advise.
SB User ID: 11898568
BSA Member ID: 13878062
Thanks for looking into this! So if we got a message sent “from the scout account” did she log in incorrectly?
(If yes- do you know which log in method she should use?)
Thanks as always for your help!
@DonovanMcNeil just wanted to follow up on this to see if you can please advise what this parent did wrong to send an email “from her scout” instead of from her. I think it is impacting her ability to receive replies, or possibly the replies are only accessible in scoutbook.
i.e. “Reply to” was just to a scoutbook email address, and not the sender’s actual email like I am used to seeing.
Oh also this “don’t reply email” I am seeing is different than this new issue where messages are duplicated individually, which I just discovered after sending out a pack email!