What positions have access to view scout information?

I’m currently in two troops, one as ASM and the other as a committee member. In both of those troops I can only see my own scout. Is this normal?
I’m completing my term on the committee of a previous troop where I can look up and update progress on any scout, but I’m also a Troop Admin there.
The troop where I’m an ASM seems to think I should have access. They’re a “just mark everything directly in Scoutbook and don’t worry about the handbook” troop, but if I can’t access anyone but my own child, that’s hard to do.
I’m also used to being able to create group events in the camping/service logs, but I can’t do that in the new troop.

  1. is this normal?
  2. what permissions would they need to grant me to do these things?

In Scoutbook Positions have nothing to do with access or view - it is all in how Admins setup connections for adults. The Admins need to establish connections. @ChristyDryden You would need View Profile of Scouts and at least Edit Advancement to make advancement changes

Is that something that needs to be done for each leader individually?
Is this something that has changed (within the past few years even)? Both units seem to be confused that I don’t have access.

It has never changed - yes it is for each individual and always has been. The Feature Extension for Scoutbook for Chrome and Firefox has a feature to assign connections based on positions if it is being used.

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I doubt they’ve been using the Feature Extension. Maybe it’s the people setting up new leaders that have changed.


Troop Admins get Full Access to all scouts automaticically

Patrol admin is another option that gives full control to all scouts in the patrol.

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