Where can I find training/instructions on scoutbook - specifically building reports

Brand new to all of this and looking for a training site or video on how to use Scoutbook - specifically how do I get a report of all partial work on an advancement/adventures. Ideally, I would get a spreadsheet with my 10 scouts and their status on all required Adventures (dates completed for each requirement of each Adventure or “not started”), and then list any Adventure that has been partially completed. The report’s goal is to help plan “make-up” days for the Den customized to what the Scouts need to close out either their rank badge or Adventure. My “reports” page is blank and does not appear to allow me to create any reports. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

help.scoutbook.scouting.org has tons of resources - if an admin > look in Legacy Scoutbook (scoutbook.scouting.org) > Reports > Report Builder - you can make most reports needed there - this is not yet implemented in Scoutbook +

Thanks to all - I was unable to find any posts on this topic before I posted my, but after I did I received some suggested posts. The one below completely answered my questions. Thanks to all, this will definitely be information I will be passing on to my Pack.