Hello there, I’ve been looking in a few places and can not find the answer. Who approves the COR renewal application, is the expiration date 08/31/24? I am Sm, I can not approve an adult. And no one seems to know in my small council, which is totally new to most.
The Chartered Org Rep approves all registered adults, either by signing the paper applications or approving it in my.scouting, if your unit & council permit online applications/renewals.
I’m not quite clear what you’re asking here. Are you asking about renewing your charter, or about approving the chartering org rep?
The council professional staff should have connections to national support who can help them resolve questions like this where they don’t know the answers.
Thanks for the quick responses. The COR renewal application needs to be approved (via the manager thing), who does this? not the unit, not anyone else. The council is on vacation. Thanks, any help is greatly appreciated.
The COR should be able to reapprove themself - as long as they have not expired perhaps but there is a 60 day grace period
thanks so much. I will have him try it once returns from vacation. so awesome.