Will the future "Internet Advancement"-only calendar still be linkable from Scoutbook payment log?

So… The Scoutbook Calendar will eventually only be accessible from Internet Advancement.

The current payment log functionality in Scoutbook allows for a treasurer to apply a charge to all attendees of an event that was listed on the calendar in Scoutbook. Will this continue to function when the calendars are only accessible via Internet Advancement?

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I asked SUAC that know payment log better than me - but I do not see why it would not be

The treasurer has never had the ability to apply charges to payment logs based on calendar attendance.

The most a treasurer can do with events is limited to selecting an event for informational purposes when creating a charge.

Since the calendar in IA and SB are concurrently working with the same data right now- i.e., the same database, I do not expect the selection ability when creating a charge would change. My understanding of the upcoming change is that the calendar view/entry/edit pages/functionality is being phased out of Scoutbook


I am concerned that the person using the “Quick Entry” feature to create a charge today is still going to be able to select an event from the calendar:

I would hope the dropdown continues to exist AND work after the full transition to the Internet Advancement calendar.

Understood. It should still work after the transition

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