Yellow triangle for adult leader

We have an assistant scoutmaster who has a yellow triangle next to his name. We can’t figure out what is going on. Is he a multiple? Member I’d # 7791854. Thank you for your help.


That is not a valid BSA Member ID. Please check the number.

@JohnBurnham - generally that indicates the person is not on the unit roster at

Here is the BSA id # 7791754. We have started our recharter and he is on the unit roster. Thank you.


The problem is this adult is registered as camp staff in a different council so the system chnaged his BSA Member ID on his Scoutbook account. I have put it back to the MID in your unit.

He needs to login to Scoutbook and check his e-mail address because it appears he has 3.

  1. The one originally on this Scoutbook account
  2. One used as camp staff
  3. A gmail address

If the address is not the one he wants to use, he should change it. If it is, click Save on the edit profile screen without making changes so that it pushes to other systems.

Thank you very much. I will let him know what he needs to do to fix this. Have a good week.

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