Youth ability to view advancement in Scoutbook

My son is connected and can access Scoutbook. However, he is not able to view his advancement or awards. Are there permissions that need to be given or is it just not possible for youth to see their progress in scouting on Scoutbook.

My son hasn’t had any issues viewing his advancement/awards.

Is he clicking on My Dashboard → Administration after he logs in?

@WilliamWyatt if you just post only the scouts BSA # we can look at it - I imagine a wrong account was made

133558015 is the BSA Member ID. He goes to Admin, My Acct, but nothing is visible.

@WilliamWyatt He has 3 BSA member ID numbers, and he had the wrong one set as primary at my.scouting.

I am working on merging his Scoutbook accounts.

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@WilliamWyatt Please ask your Scout to log out completely, then log back in again.

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Thank you Jennifer!

That’s interesting having three BSA numbers. I’ve no clue how that came about. Unless it’s his and mine as we share a same first name, but different middle names.

We will check it out again tonight. If any further questions we will get back to you. Please let me know if anything further you find or need us to do on our end.

Thank you again!

William Wyatt “Chip”
Troop 1823 Committee Chair

I and my son were able to view merit badge earned in Scoutbook before. Currently, we cannot view it anymore. A counselor just approved a new merit badge, we can’t view that either. Please help.

SB User ID:
BSA Member ID:

Thank you
Tam Nguyen


Since your son is only registered in a Crew, you need to go to his Edit Extended Information page and turn on the Scouts BSA Advancement slider so that it has a red background.

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