Several Scouts who earned Eagle this year, have turned 18, and wish to remain active with the troop as leaders next year are facing issues with the registration process. Council advised they need to register as adults through My.Scouting, but they keep encountering error messages saying they are already registered as youth members, even though they have completed YPT.
From what I read on here, they need a paper app but our local Council is contradicting that. It seems council is overwhelmed with similar questions and issues related to this new process, making it difficult to get responses. Does anyone have advice on how to resolve this?
There is growing concern, especially among those still in high school applying for awards that require active membership. They fear being dropped from the system and not being recognized as active Scouts or Scouters. Additionally, some of these individuals are planning to attend a troop trip in early January.
@BradCarlson as far as tenure goes there is no issue - as you said, they are already registered. As far as registering as an adult you say - are they trying there or through first - it does lead to my.scouting - not sure if it makes a difference. for our age out scouts like that I have never seen one hit this issue.
@DonovanMcNeil - the direction from Council was as follows:
“Log in to the “My Scouting” portal, access the adult application section, fill out personal details, complete mandatory Youth Protection Training, consent to a background check, select your desired volunteer role within the troop, and submit the application for review by the chartered organization representative (COR) who will then approve your registration.”
Three scouts all tried this and received the same error - “Our records indicate you already have an active registration with [our troop]. There is no need to submit another application. If you are applying for an additional position in the same organization, please contact your unit leader for assistance.”
In your experience, was there a different route to switching from youth to adult?
Thanks for your reply.
@BradCarlson no something might have changed - I tried a few ways on a Test Server and kept hitting already registered walls - not even an option to end one for another