Ypt issues today

I keep retaking the ypt course and it shows completed after I am done. Yet my certificate is still showing it is expired and on the site shows it is expires yet also says last completed as today. Not sure how to fix this anymore and I keep retaking it.

@MelissaDiller all you did was retake the test - you have to retake all 4 modules

All four parts need to be retaken within 60 days for it to count.

I watched every video in order then took the test got one wrong.
Last week I watched them all but had a few hours in between so figured that was my mistake.

They were watched right after each other

Did you use this login or a different one?

You switched your primary BSA # and did it under a secondary number - I have fixed and training should merge today - I also merged your Scoutbook users so you just have one

@MelissaDiller I recommend that you contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up your children. When they look up your children, they want to check your children’s “User Relationship” and make sure that your children are connected to you as parent with Only your correct BSA member ID number ******3305

Sometimes you have to flip the primary for a few hours then flip it back to get the trainings to sync over under manage member ID - if you do that do not sign into scoutbook cause you will make another user

Looks like it synced over @MelissaDiller

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