Mr. McNeil, our Key 3 has delegated the Training Manager to me for the Troop (actually both troops, we have a male and a female troop to manage), though I can’t enter my own training. However, you still have to prove that you completed the modules, and since they don’t generate a cert for those, it turns into the same drill as using the legacy tool, etc…
Well no person can enter their own training (I guess a Scouter is not Trustworthy) - But I can enter it for another person in my unit
If a person may enter their own training, then a cheater is allowed to cheat, even if there is never a cheater.
When a second person must be involved in the process, it becomes more like “trust, but verify.”
Mr. McNeil, I wasn’t complaining, I was making a point for those that may not know a person can’t enter their own training. I have entered a good number of training completions and certifications for adult leaders that they earned out of council and only had a paper certificate to validate their completion, such as from a summer camp-provided course. For clarification, I didn’t just take over this position, I’ve been our Unit Training Chair for over three years. I’ve dealt with other training systems for other organizations for over thirty. I appreciate Mr. Hillenbrand for escalating this issue to a National level, because it affects a great many people in the organization, not just my Troop. I don’t sit on my thumbs when I find a concern with the system, and I didn’t see any other entry addressing it. There are other issues with how this system documents, tracks, and generates the certificates for various trainings. The training and tracking system is not user friendly IMHO to personnel using it, as I regularly have to walk leaders and parents through the system so they can just get to it to take it. I appreciate your feedback, but in this instance my entering someone’s completions won’t work.
I hate to have to complain, but with recharter coming up, having to find and navigate work arounds on a key requirement for recharter makes recharter more difficult than it needs to be. It would have been nice if some one planning recharter caught back when recharter was being planned and that the problem and solutions would have been immediately and directly communicated to all scout leaders instead of waiting for us to run into the problem and then have to search for a fix.
I had the same problem. I emailed the help desk and sent my Scout ID. They updated my profile and found the test. The email is at the bottom of the page.
Mr. Flynn, thank you, however, that method only fixes the issue for one person at a time. My effort is to correct the issue for all who follow, because the help desk may not be looking at the issue holistically for all when dealing with a single individual’s account.
Craig - I’ll refer you back to Rick Hillenbrand’s post above. It appears to be an LMS issue, and they are working on it. Unfortunately it is not a My.Scouting issue, so it goes over to ScoutingU to be corrected.
yessir, copied that, and thanked him for the escalation to help everyone trying to get through this issue. Showed my Committee members at our meeting the other night what I was seeing with the issues and that it is being addressed at higher levels…
Agree. Think they need a deep look, but after seeing the email on the JTE suspension due to COVID and reduction in IT staff, unsure if it’ll get addressed. Ugh.
So, just as an update, our BSA CIO is personally involved with trying to ‘help’ ScoutingU get this fixed. The issue at this time is the new contractor that was hired made some mistakes. ScoutingU is working to get the issues fixed. Vijay has personally made suggestions on what needs to be specifically done.
It looks like this issue was first identified in Scouting Forums on September 10th. When did the new contractor actually create this issue? I only ask because their seems to be a lag time between when an issue happens and when it is actually communicated to everyone. Did I miss BSA’s announcement that this is an issue and how to handle it?
Thank you for keeping us informed Mr. Hillenbrand, much appreciated.
This week I have had the same problem of completing the YPT training v2 and passing the test but cannot see an update in my YPT training certificate.
Mr. Tsushima,
did you read my early post with procedures to get around this provided by my local council? That may help you get past it. Unfortunately, you may need to redo the modules again.
Hi Craig.
I did read your advice and plan to walk through the steps to try and recover my training.
I did take a screen shot that shows my 100% test completion of V2. I am hoping I can salvage the test result and not have to take YPT training again.
The YPT training module was problematic last year too. It continues to be a frustrating renewal process that despite the two year certificate, is training that must be taken annually.
Some councils require YPT to be completed annually.
Yes, an annual completion to ensure it is valid through the entire recharter period (calendar year). Our council, and charter organization, requires that as well. As Mr. Tsushima also stated above. We also have to maintain a VIRTUS requirement becasue we are chartered through a Catholic church, so we get double the fun for recharter ensuring all are caught up and current and it is recorded properly so I can provide validation of training for our leaders every year.
Please don’t get me started on YPT completion verification, i went round and round with them last time, too. I’m probably why they shut down their JIRA database, because they kept shunting my queries off and not providing a valid, common sense solution. I still have big issues with how these modules display and such. I hate I can’t go into my.scouting and see completion dates on each individual module, instead I have to use the horrible legacy tool or pull it into Troopmaster. I’ve had to let a couple leaders know which modules they were missing so they could go in and complete them again. This is so bad right now the bulk of our leaders aren’t trying to get completed, they are waiting for the solution, and I’m worried that solution won’t materialize before recharter season hits.
Exactly the same situation here. Too bad no one seems to care about fixing or improving functionality.
Thanks Craig.