Been teaching Zoom MBs LIVE for 2.5 years now and have attended/observed 4 taught by other MBCs… COVID has catalyzed this MB “Vehicle” and I’ve got some opinions I’d like to present in a formal presentation / mini-paper. LOOKING FOR INPUT from your experiences! you would be willing to share…
- Encouraged by your Scout Leaders? Why? Why not?
- Do they help with finding scarce MBCs?
- Do Scouts do them with a fellow Scout / their Patrol/Troop?
- Alone?
- The Pre-Reqs / Deliverables sent to MBC or the Scoutmaster?
- Parental presence required? monitored?
- Incorporating Video clips ? (You Tube)
- Are they RECORDED and available for the Scout, the SM or Troop designee to review?
- Are Scouts visibly monitored during the Sessions?
- Feedback from Scouts?
These are highly variable experiences across the SPECTRUM of MBCs… MBCs EXPERIENCE, QUALIFICATIONS, EFFECTIVENESS TEACHING… the MB Requirements themselves lending or not to the FORMAT…
—> Am I wandering into a Swamp of Variables that will DEFY GENERALIZING ?
Thanks for your thoughts !
Either here or privately
Charlie Daschbach