Cannot add Scouts to Service Project [Activity Logs bug]

For over a week I have attempted to add Scouts to an existing Service project. Each time, I get an error message that I have tried, unsuccessfully, to copy. It says something about an unexpected user name checksum. After a couple of tries, the error message changes to just say “Error.” I have attached a screen shot that shows what I am trying to add to the event.

I am a Key 3 delegate and a Scoutbook Administrator for the unit so, in theory, I should be able to update events.

Chuck Olson
Troop 463

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I have passed this on to the developers.

Look at all the scouts on the IA2 main screen for any alerts on individual scouts.

Would do so except now IA2 will not load.


I was able to get IA2 to accept the participants by adding them 2 or 3 at a time. That worked until I reached the last participant. It would not accept him and instead the screen locked up. I followed Ron Fedele’s suggestion and, after refreshing the page, check on that Scout on the main screen. He is shaded out and the note says he apparently has another membership. This Scout transferred to our Troop from Cub Scouts on 8/14/20.


If he’s on your roster in Member Manager at my.scouting, you probably need to end his pack membership in Scoutbook. We’ve had a couple of transfers where that wasn’t done when they were added to our unit.


I checked that and, according to Scoutbook, his Pack membership ended on 8/18/20, the same day he was added to our roster. I’ve asked our council registrar to take a look at his records and see if she can figure out what is going on.


Well rats. Yet another fine idea shot down by the facts. :^)


Sounds like the official registration with the troop hasn’t been processed yet. When you look at the scout’s current scoutbook membership, is there anything in the notes field?

There are two different notes.

The one under his Cub Scout record reads “AkelaSBDeltaSyncUpdate”

The one uder his Scouts BSA record reads: “AkelaSBDeltaSyncInsert|Date Ended by SB UserID 492809||Ended in the UI by User 492809|”



I sent you a direct message. See your avatar in the upper right of your screen.

Information sent via PM.

@CharlesOlson - did you used to be in a different council by chance?


Yes but that was a while back (pre-1960 - Chicago AC, 1965-68, Flint River). I’ve been in the AAC since 1987.



I am having the same issue with one of my Scouts, council doesn’t seem to be able to help, I need a step by step of what needs to be done to fix him, searching around these forums is frustrating. I original;y was not able to even add advancement/merit badges, that part is working now it is just IA.2 for activities that he is frozen out of.

@RebeccaBenjamin1 Have someone check the troop’s Member Manager roster at Is the Scout listed there?


Yes he is. I have also checked with the Council registrar and in their records he was transferred out of the Pack he was formerly a member of and put in our Troop. He no longer shows on that Pack’s roster at the Council level. IA2 is, however, showing that “SP created a new primary member ID . . …”


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Just curious, why did you ask if a used to be in a different Council?

Any progress on figuring out what is going on with this Scout’s records?


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I believe you said that you have referred this to the developers, but I just noticed something else odd about Paden Sundberg’s record. It shows his father, Scott Sundberg, twice.

When I looked at the father’s profiles, I noticed that he has two BSA #s. They are 13239569 and 134697352. The records associated with 132393569 does not have an email address. The one associated with 134697352 shows an email address of

Might this be causing the problem and if so, might having my Council registrar merge the two BSA #'s solve the problem?

It is getting frustrating to the Scout because he is a new Scout and we are doing all advancment via Scoutbook but it will not let us update his records.


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@CharlesOlson Are you able to go to Paden’s Membership, click on his current membership with your troop, check the box next to Position Approved, and Update?