Is there a way to delete a duplicate event? Created event, forgot I had done so, re-created it and now I have duplication.
Is there a way to delete a duplicate event? Created event, forgot I had done so, re-created it and now I have duplication.
@WilliamsburgScouter - is there a pencil icon on either one of the events ? This is in the activity log I gather. If so and if there is a pencil icon, you can click on that to removed the scouts/scouters and at the last person it will prompt for a delete, or I think there is also the immediate option to delete it.
Tried that, I cannot delete the last scouter (me) or add any additional folks.
For now I just set all the nights and days to 0.
@WilliamsburgScouter - hummm that is odd… I would also try to change the event name to ensure that nobody tries to add days/nights back in or question it.
How do I delete an activity that I created that doesn’t show on the activity log, but shows on the report. I accidentally set the dates with the wrong years. It spans an entire year, oops.
@DrewQ - other than it being an awesome accomplishment is there a pencil icon on the event ?
I can’t see the event to edit it. It only shows if I pull a report.
@DrewQ - you have to go back to 11/21 and there are back arrows on the year.
Go to 2021 or search by event name
That does not work either, I have gone trough ALL years.
@DrewQ - not able to find it
It is still there in the Activity Log report. It is under Troop 832 in Heart of Virginia Council.
@DrewQ - what I was asking was… did you find the entry in the events from 2021 ?
No, it is nowhere to be found on my side of things. I went back many years in the past and many years in the future and found nothing.
@DrewQ - if it is in the report it has to show up in the activity listing:
so on the year click the left arrow to get to 2021, then if there is something within a month it will present the darker text as noted by this view. In your case Nov should be dark text
Let me clear something up. I do know how to use the system extensively, but this particular activity is not showing in the “Activity Screen” to be able to edit and delete. I believe it is due to the unusually long time period that I accidentally created. The system is unable to display it for me to edit. It shows in the personal logs but I cannot edit it there.
@DrewQ - my apologies… there was not enough data originally presented to know that for sure… Oh man…so it is in your personal log… does it show for any other scouts ? Perhaps run an audit report on the start date along with an activity report on just that start date… I am tying to help get back to the entry and perhaps clear it… although are the actual day/night numbers correct or no ?
It does show in multiple Scout and adult personal logs. It does show in an Activity Report which is where the image I posted previously came from. That is how I found it in the first place. I deleted the second one I had created after the first one didn’t show when I created that one. I just want to clear the entire activity and re-enter a corrected one.
This image is from my personal Activity Log.
When you click on the activity (on your personal Activity Log), click on the 3 vertical dots to the right of where it says “Approved” (for more options). Do you see an Edit option (pencil icon)?
Oh, it is there for my son! boom it is fixed now. I was so focused on my logs not having the edit feature.