@DonovanMcNeil I have quite a few of parents set up this way! If you have a better (easier for you) recommendation to correct this other than posting on the forum please let me know!
If not- I have another leader with a messed uo account that we wanted to correct.
User id 9703398 transferred from another pack. Now has duplicate account 12354788 (this latter account has a bogus email address). Can you please help with this too.
Thank you again!
On Dupe accounts you can either ignore, post here, or talk to council (though they might be able to fix all)
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@MichaelCasella that user is fixed
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Hello @DonovanMcNeil
I have the same issue as well, sadly our council is no help. I have two parents who were in Scoutbook and now have two accounts.
First account - BSA ID #14217858 & BSA ID#14139269
Second account - BSA ID#13885292 & BSA ID#14157562
Any help is appreciated! Thank you, Britta
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@BrittaMcKee1 both are fixed
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Both accounts, 9494718 and 10387135 should resolve to the same BSAid 129478509, which is me.
Can you merge them, keeping my ASM power, please?
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@JeffreyPolega Your Scoutbook accounts have been merged.
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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Hello! Just looking for some help. I’m a parent and I’ve finally made it into my scoutbook. However, now I have two. I was hoping someone could delete the poorly created one that was made for me 3 years ago that I also just made it into tonight by sending myself an email. Found out why (I had no birthday?) So I also cant merge them.
The correct member id is: 136010607
The one that Id like deleted is: 14230292
I’m also missing one of my scouts in application tools
The missing one is 137382286
I’m also his lion parent if you could fix that as well
Sorry if i went about this the wrong way the scout master was completely lost on how to fix this for awhile and told me to just ask for help on the site.
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This situation is a little different. I’m trying to get Michelle connected to her son’s account on scoutbook. She told me she already is and is able to mark off requirements.
The requirements marked off are by “Cyrus” the scout. So she is somehow logging in as her scout instead of herself.
What does she need to do?
BSA Member #: 14038421
UserID: 12191303
BSA Member #: 14034637
UserID: 12176902
@AprilJohnson6 I do not understand what you are saying on missing scout - he is in your connections and in the Pack
@KatyBertucci The mother should not be using the username that is her name - that is the Scout Account - She should be clicking Sign in with Google - that is her account
@AprilJohnson6 We can request a merge of your my.scouting user names to get rid of the one that is your e-mail address.
You are connected to both Scouts in Scoutbook. However, you will need to contact your local council and ask them to add your parent relationship to your Scout in my.scouting. We do not have the ability to do that.
That is exactly what i was meaning. Sorry under my applications i only have the one child not the two for move/transfer/multiple. Thank you guys so much for fixing this! I’ll talk to the scout Master about my parent relationships. I just don’t want it added to the old one I’m not keeping. Thank you!
To be clear, the unit leadership can not add the parent relationship in my.scouting, either. Only the council can make that correction. Unit leadership can add a parent connection in Scoutbook, but the connection made there does not flow to my.scouting.
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How do i contact the district people?
@AprilJohnson6 @CharleyHamilton is correct. Your local council has the tools to add the parent relationship, which will add your Scout under My Application.
@AprilJohnson6 Try contacting the Great Rivers Council service center:
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As @JenniferOlinger noted, your service center is probably the best target. Typically, it’s the registrar or someone with access to the registrar’s software tools who can make the parental association on that end.
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Hello! I have two more parents if you can please help again!
UserID 12346479 - email was set up as “@aol.con” instead of “@aol.com”. duplicate user ID 12354777 set up with correct email presumably (I can’t see it to confirm). we just want one ID with the correct email
UserID 11942180 and 12058718 duplicated (This person is going to be registered as a leader soon so we wanted to get in front of this!)
Thank you again!