Duplicate parent accounts merge

@AndrewConley this is fixed - only use the google log in not the old user name

I somehow lost a youth connected in my.scouting. Scoutbook looks correct, but I needed to transfer him from MCC to Bay Lakes.

Thank you. When I log in I still see the old profile as a connection to my son. I would like to remove that if possible. I think it is confusing for the troop. The gmail address that ends with 33 is the one I would like to remove.

@NicholeWhitman my.scouting and Scoutbook are totally different. you can go to my.scouting.org > menu > Manage Member ID and switch the the non- primary one to to find the Scout I bet. Just switch it back to the other one for everything else

@AndrewConley1 that is fixed

Thanks. Everything looks correct now.

Yes, Thank you so much! I’ve been trying for a year, and you fixed it in 20 mins. So very appreciative!

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