If you are entering new Scouts before member update brings them in there are a few things to consider
- Enter the name exactly as it appears on the Application
- Date of Birth has to be exact
- Zip code also
- Their membership has to be approved in Scoutbook for Member Update to see it
If you follow these steps and your registrar types correctly it should limit duplicated Scout profiles
I have a scout who earned Tiger, dropped out, and is now returning as a Webelo. Can I use this procedure to add before member update brings him in?
No, I’d suggest finding his original record in Scoutbook and adding a new membership to your pack. First check for the scout in my dashboard > administration > my account > my connections. If not there, use the transfer tool.
Our unit was not using Scoutbook when he was a Tiger scout, we only just started using it 6 months ago. I don’t see him listed as a connection and the transfer search is asking me for a BSA member # which I don’t have access to.
@BrendonHoch the above procedure should work fine with just Add Scout in Roster
Make sure you indicate on the application that he was a former Scout. Your council should be able to look up his BSA ID # so that his previous advancements are not lost.
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Donovan’s advice is probably correct in your exact situation because this scout likely does not exist in Scoutbook already. However, (for future reference) any scout who was on an active charter at any time in 2018 or subsequent will automatically be in Scoutbook. Submitting an application to council in those cases will automatically add the existing version of them to your Scoutbook roster (assuming council doesn’t assign them a new bsa member number), and would therefore appear as a duplicate if you used the add scout button.
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