I’m putting together a “how to” for IA for my troop. In doing so, I created a dummy activity in IA for the screen shots. Now that I am done, there is no way to DELETE the dummy activity. Anyone know how to do this???
A fix for this is in development. In the meantime, you can remove all of the Scouts / adults who are attached to the activity.
I would probably also prepend some sort of tag to the event name (e.g. _ DEMO _) so that it’s easily found again in the future, whenever the delete functionality is released.
I called mine “please delete”.
Lol. Thanks. I’ll consider your suggestion.
I’m just amazed no one thought there would ever be a need to delete something.
Thanks, But I did not get that far because after the activity was deleted, I went to delete it for screen captures for the SOP. To my amusement, no one thought of the need to delete an activity I guess.
Thanks. I put the email in a folder for easy retrieval, so while tags may help others, I can just go to my email folder to get back to this topic.
I actually meant tagging the “demo” event itself in IA, rather than this thread. I’ve found that I’m frequently not the only person who ends up clearing the jam, when a long time elapses between discovering a problem and getting a viable solution. So, having a uniform tag on events to be removed, for example, would help everyone who might see it realize that the event is not real and shouldn’t be associated with any participants.
The first thing I did, on the first day, was to go and make a test entry. Then I realized I couldn’t delete it.
That’s what I was doing for my SOP, a DUMMY activity, even named it that.
What if Microsoft did not put a delete button in the Outlook tool. What an oversight that would have been!
Fair enough. I’ve failed to do something similar in the past, and figured I’d share my lessons learned, in case it was something that hadn’t occurred to you.
I don’t know of anyone who’s debating the bone-headedness of omitting the delete functionality in the logs. It’s never been clear (to me at least) why it was omitted in the first place. It seems like a key feature to implement before the product goes out the door. Perhaps the system automatically syncs to another system and there’s no way to remove an entry there?
I waver back and forth between wanting to see what’s behind the curtain, and saving time by running away screaming now. :^)
You cannot delete an entry. But you can change the dates, times, locations, attendees, etc. to use it for a different activity.
That’s the point Steve. Something as simple as adding a delete feature for activities was overlooked. Call it what you want; bad business rules, poor requirements definition, poor testing etc etc…regardless, there should be a way to delete an activity from IA…
My Troop had to re do the entire calendar because COVID messed all events up. So now I am reluctant to add any new COVID activities to IA because there is no way to delete them. Do you understand how messy IA is going to look like when we go back to normal operations after COVID if no way to delete?
@MarkBerrier - I haven’t added any activities to IA2 until they’ve already happened just for that reason. Everything is literally day-to-day or even hour-to-hour. You can plan something a few weeks out, but you don’t know whether you’ll actually be able to do it.
Our pack did a four-mile hike on Saturday. We had six of our 19 “active” Scouts show up. That’s pretty good right now. But from January to the last weekly meeting in mid-March, our worst youth attendance at weekly meetings was 90%. The hike was originally planned (last year) as a conservation project. It’s too difficult to do that right now. At least, we got outside. If you had asked me in February how many Scouts I thought would be at the conservation project in July, I would have guessed a minimum of 14 and a likely number of 16.
the problem i’ve been having is deleting entries parents made prior to the IA switch over and in a couple cases entries made after. in both instances, IA won’t let me delete or even edit. i tried removing the scout from the entry, but that didn’t work either.
Has this been resolved? I’ve got a Scout with a erroneous entry from summer camp. The wrong summer camp name was entered, then was added to the correct event. Can’t edit or delete the original erroneous entry. Is this a Council Office edit?
If the entry was made prior to the switchover from Scoutbook logs to IA2 logs, they are not editable. If it was entered after the change, then Approved, I believe that only a Key 3 or Key 3 delegate can remove the approval and delete the entry. I couldn’t find that detail when I looked, but these are the help pages related to creating and editing entries:
So this fix was in development in July of 2020. It is now May of 2021 and I still can delete activities. I have followed the steps listed in the IA instructions…I click on the event, I choose the edit button…then I want to remove the scouts so there are no people listed…BUT there is no way to remove the scouts. I try clicking on the scout’s name…I look for a “x” next to his name…I try switching the service hours to 0…but as soon as I click the “edit and finish” button it all reverts back to the original hours and scouts. I have scouts and parents creating activities for the same event that the troop already credited them for. Now instead of 3 hours of Scouting for Food these scouts have 9 hours. I don’t have the option to not approve them. I only have an option to approve. This needs a fix now.
My husband is Key 3 and I have tried to delete and edit events under his account as well as mine as Advancement Chair. Still no luck. I have followed the steps given to delete the event…click edit and then remove the people until there are no people left and then the event can be deleted…but I can’t delete the people. So the steps they give in the “help” are not helpful. Where is the button to “remove” the participants?
How do you change the attendees? I get the option to add non-scout youth and non-scout adults, but not scouts. The help guide says we can remove participants and then we can remove the event, but I can’t remove any participants. And when I make changes…they don’t remain changed once I click the finish button.