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I have a member of my Venturing crew whose parent is registered as one of his connections, and the account there uses the parent’s correct email address.
This parent later registered as an Associate Advisor. When his adult leader account appeared in Scoutbook, his email address came across as changeyouremail@scoutbook.com during the auto-import into Scoutbook. If I try to change his adult leader account’s email back to his correct email, I get this warning: “This email address already exists under another account.”
I checked this parent’s info in Membership Manager for this crew at my.scouting.org. There, it shows his correct email address.
How do I get this parent account and his corresponding leader account merged?
Start by having the parent/leader log into my.scouting.org > legacy web tools > manage member ID. They should make sure the member number with which they are registered is set as primary. If not, set it and wait a day. Then, they should log into their Scoutbook account with their correct email address account and go to my dashboard > my account > switch SSO profile and complete those steps.
I’m frustrated at this point. I’m not sure why the email has to be the thing that ties everything together and yet we can’t make changes. This really shouldn’t be hard enough that parents/leaders don’t want to get on and work with it. So at this point. I need to change an email. It would make my life easier to be able to make the change without all these loops or trying to get someone else to make the change. I have to keep a whole other list of emails in order to remember those emails. I don’t use scoutbook communication because it becomes difficult. So as it stands, I am not going to try and get the adult to make the change. I’ll just use my email and not use Scoutbook. It would be easier to use Scoutbook. And without her email, she won’t be able to get on scoutbook at all. Can’t you please do something about this?
Can you please describe the problem you are having?
Once a user logs in to Scoutbook, only they can change their e-mail address. This is for security reasons. No secure system will allow someone other than the user or support to change an e-mail address.