Merging Two Scoutbook Accounts - NOT BSA Accounts

His previous id has all of his information. They gave him a new id and a duplicate account. The account that I can access for advancements, awards, training, etc, is completely blank, and he is a life scout. I can see his previous records in scoutbook, but that is it.

Did he keep his old id number or new one?

If they moved advancement from one account to another, they did it manually. There’s no tool to do it.

They kept the new one. I had to email scoutbook support both id numbers. And tell them which one i wanted to keep. Then the old one was deleted. But as of sept 1 2020 scoutbook will no longer help us with this. Scoutbook forum told us that we would need to contact local council to have them merged. But our local council doesn’t know how. They actually told us to talk to scoutbook. They didn’t realize it was now their job to help with this.

So there is definitely a way. Scoutbook needs to put out a tutorial.

Maybe they did it manually but they never indicated this and all his advancements were carried over too.

Mandi Jones

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I have a scout who has two profiles and I need the data from his old one merged with his new one. Each profile has a different BSA ID number. Thank you

It seems I as an adult now have three profiles. I followed the advice to use the “manage member ID” at, and now I’ve lost access to one of them.

Suggestions? I think this needs a tech support look-see.


I sent you a private message. Click on your avatar in the upper right corner.

We are primarily a military Troop. Each June we lose about 90% of our Scouts and then gain 18-20 new scouts each August. For the past 2 years we have had LOTS of scouts with multiple accounts. Some Scouts have 2 accounts and some have 4. All of the names, birth dates and BSA membership numbers match in the multiple accounts. What is different are the councils and addresses in the multiple accounts. So if a Scout has been in 4 councils- we have 4 accounts for the same boy at different ranks. Some info is transferred to the most recent account and sometime things fall off. Also, it is random which account for the Scout is linked to Internet Advancement. Ex: I have a Life Scout with 3 accounts. The account for this scout that is linked to Internet Advancement is a Tenderfoot. Council isn’t sure how to help. Any advice on how to fix this would be really appreciated.

@AimeeHenderson I will send you a direct message and we can look at it (Dealt with alot of Transatlantic Scout issues) - look at avatar at top right corner to find it

Here’s what you want to do to make transfers go smoothly:

  1. At the bottom of the Scoutbook pack roster, click the transfer in scout button. You’ll need their bsa member number and zip code from the prior council and date of birth.
  2. Edit their profile to change their address, city, and, zip code to match their application. Also update the council and district.
  3. Make sure everything on the application matches what’s in scoutbook (name, address, date of birth) exactly.
  4. When your council process the application, they will get a new bsa member number. If everything matches exactly, it will update that number in the scout’s scoutbook profile. If not, you’ll get a duplicate in scoutbook.
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I wonder if, in situations like this, the better part of valor is printing the Individual Advancement Reports for each of the “former” accounts, and providing those to the council advancement personnel to get the relevant ranks added to this particular account. While I agree that the underlying goal should be to get things straightened out fully, or better yet prevent the problems, it seems like an expedient solution might be important for a scout who is already Life and looking toward Eagle.

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@CharleyHamilton Following Jacob Fetzer’s instructions will work in most cases. I just did this with a transfer Scout in August, and the process worked smoothly.

I did transfer the Scout in Scoutbook prior to turning his BSA youth application in to council. When the membership update found the match on my troop roster, it just replaced the BSA member ID number with the new one.

I understand that. We’ve had a large number of transfers from out of council, and we’ve done the same thing (mostly) successfully.

I was just making the point that, if time is of the essence and the exemplar scout noted by @AimeeHenderson already has an account with the current council that’s showing them as Tenderfoot (although they’ve already completed Life elsewhere), it might not be feasible to reprocess the transfer at this point. It kinda depends on a lot of currently unknown things, like relative ease/speed of re-doing the transfer vs the council advancement folks just adding the advancement from the two other accounts in manually so that this one is current. That was what was kinda implied is the process anyway in this part of the thread.

@CharleyHamilton Your advice helps her in the moment because the damage is already done. My advice to to prevent it from happening again since they have a lot of transfers.

Yep. That was consistent with my understanding, too.

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I have been trying to work through council with various people (advancement, registration, etc) since the end of August. We are the only one in our council having this amount of problems due to the high amount of troop turnover each year. Council isn’t sure how to help since Scoutbook handled fixing it last year.

So initially after we do the transfer into our Troop using the transfer tool- things are ok. The problem is occurring when the application is processed. We are a PA troop and our council (starting last year), collects the applications and they are scanned or mailed to a centralized registration. At that point- it seems- is when we get all the duplicate accounts. I have manually checked the duplicate accounts to make sure the record with the current rank according to their book and records is accurate. I’m wondering it I can just delete all the duplicate accounts and leave the correct account. Then when SB syncs - maybe it will pull in the only remaining account for that Scout and link it to IA.

@AimeeHenderson Are you updating all of their information on the Scout’s Edit Profile page to match the Scout’s transfer application? Usually a duplicate is created because something doesn’t match (first name, middle name, last name, DOB, city, state, zip code, district, or council).

The membership update also looks for an approved Scout on your Troop Roster.

After a duplicate account is created, you can’t delete it. All you can do is end the membership with your troop.

If you need assistance, please let us know.

Quick question on editing dates after a situation with a transfer like you mentioned above. Transfer of data to his new id appeared good in scoutbook at first. Later noticed all his prior mb’s were listed with completion dates of 9-29-20. I have his official Person Listing from his prior council. I can easily edit the dates if I am allowed? I asked Council first because all the MB’s say “Marked Completed on Sept 30, 2020 by BSA Administrator”. Wasnt sure if council had to correct them because he was not in our troop when he earned those.

@LiaWaterman - you can change the dates - but let me send you a direct message to see if we have an issue - you will find it in the Top Right Avatar in the window