Multiple accounts in Scoutbook

I have moved councils, and gone from parent to Cubmaster to Scoutmaster in the past five years. Now I have four Scoutbook logins and can not get edit access to my troop. I have worked with my council, but can not seem to get it straight. Is there any way to remove all of my Scoutbook accounts and start over?

@JayChildress let me take a look - do they all use the same name?

@JayChildress I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

See the Direct Message

Good morning I’m trying to connect the a scouter to the Pack, but she has multiple accounts.
SB User ID: 13552840 , SB User ID: 13552841
SB User ID: 13552842 , SB User ID: 13554910
SB User ID: 13555313 , SB User ID: 13555535
SB User ID: 13555539 , SB User ID: 13555541
SB User ID: 13555543 , SB User ID: 13555546
SB User ID: 13555549 , SB User ID: 13555555
SB User ID: 13555557 , SB User ID: 13556499
SB User ID: 13556506 , SB User ID: 13556523
I have found 16 different ones none of which is what she send me.

Thank you, Maria. Here are my account number: SB User ID: 11683193

@MariaRivera1 I am looking over this - it seems like an admin tried again and again to make new user

@MariaRivera1 ok this is fixed - your admin needs to learn not to do the same thing over and over - this failed for many reasons - the wrong MID was on the Scoutbook User, it was not her registered leader number - a key 3 can find that on - I recommend that They contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up the children. When they look up the children, they want to check children’s “User Relationship” and make sure that children are connected to parent with Only the correct BSA member ID number 137151714


@DonovanMcNeil thank you

I also have an adult leader who has two BSA numbers and comes up twice in SB. His numbers are: 13553378 and 136762895. We recently rechartered and the first number is what is on our unit charter for him. Can you please join these accounts. He has also had difficulty using scoutbook because it says he has more than one account with the same email address. If you need more info, please let me know.

@KarenHaaser I have merged this user’s Scoutbook accounts. The second number you provided belongs to one of his Scouts.

He should log in with his my.Scouting username – not his e-mail address.

Mr. McNeil,
We have the same issue. My Scout has moved back to TX from OK. There are two profiles for him in SB. I can send user IDs and scout numbers.



I will look into this for you. I have all the data I need.


I have merged his Scoutbook accounts but I need more information from you as I found 2 IDs. I’ll send you a private message. Click on the green circle with white J in the upper right of the forum window after an envelope appears.

Got it. Thank you for taking care of this!

Hi there, same issue as most everyone else here. I’ve got two accounts with the same email, and I’d like to merge them into one. One has my child linked, and the other has my YPT training. Thanks in advance for your help!

@IanGardner which login do you want to keep - the Google or the email?

the email please. thank you for your quick reply!

Hi Donovan, were you able to merge those accounts last night?

@IanGardner that is fixed

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Great, thanks for your help!