I am not getting emails since friday last week. event reminders, notifcations etc
@SallyJensen - known and being investigated
Glad to know we are not alone! Our Scoutmaster had the same issue today while sending a reminder email. Some are not receiving and it doesn’t matter what the email address is (yahoo, gmail, Cox. Etc) a variety are going out and some not.
I will continue to review the thread to see if anything is posted we need to do. Thank you BSA for looking into this
Just started happening to me last night. I sent out a reminder to our troop about our meeting, didn’t get anything, sent it again - same deal and then a third time. That’s when an ASM texted me to see why I kept sending the same email. I then tried one directly to me and nothing arrived.
The issue continued today too. Hopefully it is fixed soon! My email is mac.com, which was when Apple first came out with is own email service.
We are experiencing the same issue. No emails seem to be going out from Scoutbook.
I am having the same problem. I am sending emails and others are sending them, but I am not receiving them. What can I do to fix this??
@TedLaPean , @BradleyPowell - known issue being looked at by BSA IT.
My comcast.net email does not receive troop emails through scoutbook. Get some remiinders but not emails
Same issue. Watching
Same - had been receiving emails just fine but have not been getting any (from anyone else or if I send one to myself) in the last few days. We are also comcast.net email addresses
Good thing the BSA makes our jobs hard enough. Now we don’t have email too???
Add html while you are at it!
Miss ScoutTrack
Seems to deliver to some. Not others. Appears domain does not matter. Some families with gmail receiving while others are not for example.
@BradenPalmberg - the issue is external to the BSA… multiple pieces of the puzzle to be handled. You could always revert back to scout track as scoutbook is not required
It is a bug, it wasn’t done to make our roles harder.
The issue is that too many people have reported calendar reminders as spam to their email provider.
@jacobfetzer - well that was mighty nice of folks to do
I am back to not receiving again. Glad I added a second email
I’m not receiving emails either, Mac.com. My husband on gmail is receiving. Very frustrating.
Same for me and also my test emails from Scoutbook. They are in no where land!
I just got informed by a volunteer this morning that the email feature is not working and adding parent connections to a scout is still broke and it has been broken since August of 2022.