@LisaStroble I’ll send you a private message
@jacobfetzer replied via private message.
I’ve had this same issue pop up with one of our new parents to the pack. She was able to edit her profile on scouting.org to add her email, but it still doesn’t populate in Scoutbook. She can log in to Scoutbook via Google SSO, but can’t change her email address on her Scoutbook profile:
BSA Member # 127762327 / UserID 12084542
@RyanEade that was a little odd but is fixed
I have another new parent whose email address isn’t visible in Scoutbook.
BSA Member #: 13992041 // User ID:12074830
Thank you in advance
I have a problem with 2 leaders that transferred to our troop from California. Unfortunately, their scoutbook accounts with their OLD BSA IDs were linked to our troop, but they have been given new BSA IDs. When I searched for their BSA IDs, 2 new scoutbook entries popped up. I added the new entries to the troop, but their info cannot be updated because their emal addresses are used with their California BSA IDs.
Here are the problems:
Phil Sutton:
“Good account with wrong BSA ID”: BSA ID 131667553 (California) User ID: 7070600
“Bad account with correct BSA ID (all info blank)”: BSA ID: 137198178 (new) User ID: 12116603
Vanessa Sutton:
“Good account with wrong BSA ID”: BSA ID 131806890 (California) User ID: 9130966
“Bad account with correct BSA ID (all info blank)”: BSA ID: 137105072 (new) User ID: 12116611
This has been corrected. Thanks!
Their Scoutbook accounts have been merged.
I have a few new parents that joined, but no email field or are receiving pack emails at this point:
BSA# 137462659
USER ID# 12129650
BSA# 110228272
USER ID# 4474291
@SeanEsler these are fixed
A post was split to a new topic: Can’t Set E-Mail Address on Scoutbook Account