I’ve had my first Scout to renew using the new process. When I logged on this morning, he was no longer a member of any Patrol within Scoutbook. I’m assuming that’s a bug. I’ve moved him back but his ID is below if it’s helpful.
Grant Mullins
Troop 97
Homewood AL
Do you know if the scout’s membership had expired before the renewal was submitted or if it was submitted prior to expiration? As an ASM, I’m curious whether getting dropped from the patrol assignment only occurs if the membership “lapses” or if the old membership is being actively terminated (i.e. and end date assigned) and a new one is being created under the same MID, even when the renewal is submitted prior to actually lapsing.
The Scout’s membership has not been renewed.
The BSA recently extended all Scouts with a 7/31/24 expiration to 8/31/24. Looking at this Scout’s original registration, it appears this is what happened with this Scout. He was removed then restored to the unit when the expiration was extended.
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Yeah, that’s exactly what this is. Thanks for running it down. I’ve looked back through my emails and he was only on the one “Monthly Renewal” email back in July. On the subsequent ones, he was no longer listed so I assumed they had renewed.
Is there “best practice” method for keeping up with these? With close to 70 boys, this will be pretty cumbersome compared to the yearly renewal at recharter.
If you have the Vol Base I think I would assign to one Committee member to track
I just pulled the report from Scouting.org and fortunately it looks like I only have a handful of boys off cycle for now. I’ll make sure the committee is made aware of this and that we have a plan to keep tabs on it going forward. Appreciate all the help.
The Scoutbook Plus roster shows the renewal date and status of all Scouts and Leaders (to get the leaders you need to use the filter and turn on Adults) I use this instead of a report from my.scouting.org.