Possible Multiple Parent Profiles

I have a parent that says she can successfully login into Scoutbook but she cannot see her son’s profile. On my end I still show that she has not linked to her profile. My guess is she has inadvertently created a second profile. Could someone assist me with resolving this?

If you post the BSA ID (or Scoutbook User ID) for the parent and/or scout (no names needed), the folks from SUAC may be able to identify issues.

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Thanks. I typically just wait for one of them to reach out when I throw these posts up. Thanks for your input.

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As Charlie stated, post the BSA Member ID or Scoutbook UserID (no names) and we will look into it.

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Thanks. The parent’s UserID is 11877502, and she should be connected to her son who is UserID 11877501.

The mother’s account is connected to the son but she has never logged in to Scoutbook. She needs to use the Google login button.

I cannot find another Scoutbook account for her. If she can get the UserID where she logs in, I will be able to find it.

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My son has been in multiple packs. He is about to cross over to boy scouts; he is an Arrow of Light. I tried to login to my first one, but I couldn’t, so I ended up creating a new account. Unfortunately, when we moved to our new pack, his previous accomplishments were not transferred, and he ended up with two members’ IDs:


And i ended up with these two:


@EdwinHernandez1 your sons account is fixed - you can fix your by log into my.scouting.org > click Menu top left > Click Manage Member ID > one of the BSA # will be there marked PRIMARY > then add the other MID (BSA #) - you want to make the one that is your unit registration PRIMARY > Then go to Scoutbook.com and log in using your my.scouting.org credentials

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Hi @edavignon , back to the original request. I finally got a response from the mother and she provided me with 137304114. I had asked her for the UserID but I don’t know if that is what she provided. Whichever number this is, it is what she can see when she logs in.

@CorwinLoreman that is the MID on the USER ID 11877502. So we need more info

All the information I have is posted above. What else do you need and I will see what I can do. Of course it is urgent enough for the parent to complain but not urgent enough for her to return my requests in a timely fashion.

@CorwinLoreman we do not see any logins to SB by her

It looks like she is able to log in at my.scouting with her Google name and Google password, though.

Is it possible she is logging into my.scouting.org and not scoutbook?

@CorwinLoreman Yes, that is a possibility.

Good grief, how annoying. Thanks for the input, I’ll see if I can find out what is going on with her.

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Yes she is logging into my.scouting - is active now

I am having the same issue with one of my parents. One of the accounts is linked to the Cub Scouut. I also know that she has/ had other youth in other programs.

Here are the Scoutbook id’s for the parent: 1524282, 12291260, and 10836658.

The Scouts BSA ID is: 2027592

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I’m hoping I can jump on the bandwagon, too. I have a leader who now has two accounts: 1 parent account and 1 leader account. She is locked out of her leader account. Is there a way to merge them? BSA ID: 13591008 User ID 11408374 and BSA ID 136693023 User ID 10627024. The preferred email ends in *zon.net
I also have another leader who I cannot assign any leader roles. The person is only listed as a parent, but should be a Tiger den leader. BSA ID 13780349 and User ID 2776361.

This should be fixed. She should log in with her my.scouting username and password – not her e-mail address.

This adult does not appear to be a registered leader under that number. You will need to contact your local council.