So we have a problem with our scout store having advancements we need. So Our Advancement Chair will run the Needs Purchasing Report Print it out take it down to council and buy what he can. When he does this it moves everything to needs awarded. How do we get it back on the needs purchasing report if we where not able to actually buy it?
@DavidLafko - the items in needs purchasing and needs awarding are generated together once items are approved. What I have done when I do not have stock to be purchased is to delete the po and recreate one for what was purchased. Mark those items as awarded and then close that po and open one for the back ordered items. I trust that makes sense.
At the bottom of the “Needs Purchasing” Report, you can “View Closed Purchase Orders”, from there, you can “Re Open” the PO, Delete it, and re-create a Purchase Order for only the items you actually purchased. It not a short process, but it does the job.
Great Thanks for all the help
@DavidLafko - you are very welcome and it is something that happens every so often.
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