Report of only requirements needed?

Is there a way to create a report of only requirements needed? Trying to simply reports for parents so they can focus on what they need to accomplish, rather than give them a loads of details they don’t want.

for example: I would like to send a report to “Billy’s” parents outlining exactly what “Billy” needs to finish up to receive his Arrow of Light.

Does such a thing is exist within Scoutbook?


Can they not just look at Biily’s Advancement Page? it is all there

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@JeffreyGrimes you can use Report Builder to make this - but honestly the advancement page is easier I think

That is not my question. I know everything is there. I am wanting to create a report to trim the fat. They get lost in the details.


Can you give an example? Easy is what I am aiming for.

I would sit down with parents for 5 minutes to show how to log in and get to Scouts advancements in SB so they know the steps to get there. A Report will probably be worse as it would need to be 2 levels deep to cover the Adventures

And there is no report that says what needs to be done. There are only reports to show what is completed. Blanks in the Report Builder grid indicate what is needed.

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This feature needs to be added to the program.


You can do it in Report Builder so it is unlikely to be an independent report - you can go in and build it - but for every scout it would be done one at a time or for the whole den at once

This is what I am gathering. Thank you for the honesty. It is an absolutely necessary report, in my opinion.

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If it is possible, would you please tell me how? I don’t care if I have to do that for each individual, that is ok., but I don’t know how to create this kind of report.

How to you does this NOT show what is needed?

Pack → Pack Reports → Report Builder Manager. From there create a new report selecting the items you want displayed and the Scouts you want reported on. There is help at

How to you does this show ONLY what is needed?

Been there, but like you said, no way to create a report of items needed.


You can’t show ONLY what is needed. SB will show all requirements. Those that are not marked complete need to be done.

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You can build the report as Ed suggested, but you would need to export the report to a CSV in order to make it what you want. You would basically need to hide rows / columns of what you don’t want.

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Hi all, I really appreciate @JeffreyGrimes requests to demonstrate a needed feature that provides value to his role as a Scout Leader and parent. Requests like this provides users with the most valuable resource of all: time. The faster we can mine answers - natively, in the app - the better UX will be for all users.

Relatedly, I’m a former Cub Scout & Boy Scout and recent Den Leader. I’d love to learn more about who the product team is that runs Scoutbook. Is it a contracted entity? Volunteer software developers from the BSA community? What is the governance that drives feature releases, community feedback & user engagement?


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We are unable to answer your question other than to say that BSA IT does not use volunteer programmers and is responsible for determining the feature list and priority with input from the volunteer members of the SUAC.

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Hi Ed,

Thank you for your quick reply. I’d love to learn more about the SUAC. Is there a FAQ page that provides additional insight?


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