Scouts transferred from pack to troop LAST YEAR still appear on pack my.Scouting roster

9 of my AOLs who were transferred to local troops last year still appear on our my.Scouting roster. These aren’t all of the AOLs who moved to troops. Because of this, they keep re-populating in SB/SB+.

I am the CC. The transfers were done online using my.Scouting (My Applications). All but one of these show as Completed (one shows Closed). When I view these Scouts’ profiles in legacy SB, I can see Pack and Troop tabs for most. Based on that, I wouldn’t expect that duplicate MIDs were created (a thought I got from this 2019 post).

I want to get ahead of this, so it doesn’t happen with this year’s batch of AOLs, too.

Thoughts? Is this a registrar issue?

MIDs for a few of the Scouts in question (two troops, includes one Scout who transferred to the pack from an out-of-council pack before completing AOL, just to make this more interesting):

@RyanTashma that is a talk to registrar issue for them to look at

With the online transfers, it usually asks you if you want to transfer or multiple. For the youth moving from the pack to troop, it should be transfer.

These all look like multiple registrations between the pack and the troop, which the code should not have allowed.

@jacobfetzer That’s not the behavior that I’m seeing for youth members:

@JenniferOlinger Thanks. What’s weird is that I have at least one Scout who I transferred the same way (and is active with one of the same troops), but isn’t reappearing on the pack roster.

After some digging, I noticed I’ve got the same problem with another Scout who transferred to another pack on the other side of the Council. The other unit initiated the transfer, but same problem.

@JenniferOlinger - i suspect that the portion of code that ends the prior membership is not working. The transfer that Ryan posted is as i remember it so they are not accidentally initiating a multiple. The step after that transfer is the except by the receiving unit.

@DonovanMcNeil Spoke with my registrar today. Even though they were initiated as transfers online (the only option provided), they were in fact multiple’d from the pack to the troops like @JenniferOlinger said. As @Stephen_Hornak suggested, it’s probably a coding issue within my.Scouting that causes a multiple.

My registrar’s advice is to continue to do online transfers, but send a follow-up e-mail to Council so they can verify that the pack membership is properly terminated.


@RyanTashma Please also ask you registrar to submit a ticket to get the bug corrected.


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