You Cannot Merge two BSA Member IDs - but can fix Scoutbook Users

@JeremyBracknell the Scoutbook accounts are fixed

Hello, my son’s old ID is from Indiana Buffalo Trace Council BSA#133145863 user ID 1053597 and I was hoping you could merge it to our current BSA troop in Tucson, AZ Sky Island BSA BSA 8361549 user ID is 1053597. Much appreciated. If you have any questions please contact me at 520-474-0968. Kelly (here is my member ID 12952417 user ID 1082342.)

@KellyRicard this is fixed in SB

I would like to merge two BSA/User IDs, both under the same user name.

BSA:6553552/UID:11920362 - From when I was a scout, used to become a lion partner, and completed several trainings to become a Den Leader. Under Orange Co. Council 039

BSA:14248536/UID:12446637 - Created when I applied to become a Den Leader. Greater Los Angeles Area 033

I logged into SB with the latter and it had the incorrect council (Long Beach). Not sure if that matters.

Thanks in advance.

@MichaelIwanaga I see a pending registration for you under BSA number 14248536. I have merged your Scoutbook accounts, but you will need to ask your local council to move your Adult Partner registration so that it is also under 14248536.

I have merged your Scoutbook accounts.

Thank you very much Jennifer!

I am requesting assistance to merge/combine the following accounts on Scoutbook/MyScouting:

MemberID: 132176310 (This Profile contains my Training: YPT and my two scouts as their father)
UserID: 2167997

Member ID: 132176393 (This Profile inlcudes My position, Troop affiliation, and Merit Badge Counselor credentials)
UserID: 12370887

@DarrinHansen this is cleaned up for you.

Need to merge the accounts of Laura Miller into her BSA #13884582 User ID #12061723 account. The two that need to be deleted then would be 1) BSA #137442811 User ID #12423993 2) Unknown info but registered as a parent to see Audrey M. on Troop 501-Minsi Trails Council.


Chris Lubenetski
Cubmaster Pack 431
Committee Member Troop 501

@ChristopherLubenetsk - fixed - user needs to just use the click on google / sign in with google to log in

Please merge #12239782 Mid-America and #135140918 Denver- I am currently in Denver.
Thanks, Melinda Oliver

@MelindaOliver Your Scoutbook accounts have been merged.

Thank you so much!!
Melinda Oliver

Hello, can you please merge these two IDs: 12372065 and 14103277? Thank you!

@MarySprinkle log into > click Menu top left > Click Manage Member ID > one of the BSA # will be there marked PRIMARY > then add the other MID (BSA #) - you want to make the one that is your unit registration PRIMARY > Then go to and log in using your credentials

Thank you! Can you also merge 133647865 and 14103278?

@MarySprinkle this is done. His date of birth was different between the two. I’d check that and contact your council if it’s I correct.

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My daughter has 2 scoutbook accounts that need to be merged please:
Account 1:
SB: 11323948
BSA: 136945902
This account has all good data
Account 2:
SB: 11517304
BSA: 13631730
This is the account she can log in to

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

@BrockDelia-Shea this is fixed

I have a parent/new leader that has 2 scoutbook user IDs. Can you merge them 12661182 and 12711526. She initially signed up as a parent under her middle name not first name. She did have 2 BSA IDs but I think our registrar was able to fix that when she did her leader application. BSA ID 14585319 Thank you