You Cannot Merge two BSA Member IDs - but can fix Scoutbook Users

@KatherineBynum This is fixed.

She has Apple log in turned on, so she needs to log in with the “Sign in with Apple” button, Apple name, and Apple password.

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Hello, my son has two profiles. I was only connected to one. yesterday, I connected to the most accurate one: SB User ID:1774314 BSA Member ID:130903419

Then I deleted the other one from my connections. It was somehow cross-connected to another scouts name (in SB the white bar at the top of the advancement tab didn’t have his name, it had “constantine” which is another scout.) This ID is the one I deleted from my connections: 13533475 SB ID 521213

Today when I ran an advancement report, I realized that all of his Scout Rank advancement is missing. I believe it was part of the 13533475 BSA ID. What do you suggest? I do have his handbook with the signoffs for Scout. I don’t know that there is anything else in that id that he needs. Maybe his activity logs? he seems to be missing most of his camping activity. Should I get re-connected to review what info might be important? How would I do that?

Thank you in advance for your help.

@PatriciaMcGinnis the 2 accounts are pretty close - your husband appears to still be connected so him adding the parent connection would be easiest.

Somehow I ran into an issue where it seems I have two Scoutbook User IDs - both share the same email apparently - which is strange. Both also share the same BSA ID. My BSA ID is 12330191. The SB User IDs are: 9624985 and 12356705. It would appear that the 9624985 has all of my current roles, including merit badge counselor associated with it. Is there a way to do away with the 12356705 SB User? It just causes confusion when I show up multiple times on rosters.

@MikeCleary that is cleared up

Hi I have BSA ID# 14543161 and BSA #135555908. The first one was recently created for me for my daughter in Troop 4006 and the second one is the one I’ve had for awhile, that recently added my other daughter in Pack 3006. Can these two be merged together so that both of my daughters are on one scoutbook page? Also, on the first BSA ID (14543161) my name is spelled incorrectly. It is entered as Shaun and it should be spelled, Shawn. Thank you.

Hello! I signed up last year with Pack 3734 as Committee Member and was assigned BSA MemberID 14134475, but this year became Treasurer and with my application received a new BSA MemberID 14188505, which was assigned as Primary. In reviewing my information online, I accidentally hit the left arrow button which immediately switched my Primary ID to the original and logged me out, so now the 14188505 is completely gone and that is the one I need. Is there a way to merge the two so I only have one ID (as Treasurer/Committee Member) so I don’t mistakenly do this again in the future? I appreciate your time and help! Thank you!

@HeatherDeaton - Are both BSA ID numbers in the same council?

@ShaunCurran This is fixed.

Do you want us to see if I can get your user name corrected, too? You should be using the one that is not your e-mail address.

@HeatherDeaton This is fixed.

The other BSA member ID number has no date of birth (DOB) and no registrations.

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@JenniferOlinger Yes, please. Thank you very much.

Yes, both fit Simon Kenton Council 441. Thank you!

I have a parent that got duplicated because of her name and needs her Scoutbook accounts merged
Existing MID 137487280 and her new MID 14660043. I’m not sure how to find her scoutbook IDs. I have her contacting our registrar to help with the 2 BSA IDs in that system. Thank you

I have recently moved into a new council and have completed my transfer paperwork.

My son was transferred cleanly online, with his whole set of records intact. Because limits adults tranferring out of council, I was required to complete new physical paperwork, which has resulted in a new member ID and a new scoutbook login. I was able to put both of my BSA member IDs into my profile via the merge feature, but do not see myself showing up on the new unit’s roster. There is a duplicate user with my name on the roster instead, who has never logged in. At the top of my dashboard, there is an error stating “Warning, another user is using the same email address. If this is unexpected, contact your local council or post to the Using Scoutbook Forum.”

So … here we are. How can I resolve this conflict and merge my two SCOUTBOOK IDs into one?

National, if you’re listening, please make changes to make it as easy for Scouters to transfer online as you do for Scouts.


I will look into this for you

Thanks. My old and new BSA IDs are:
BSA ID 123750016 and SB ID 223384 (NCAC 082) ← where all my history is
14632942 (CVC 595) ← where I live now

Edit: Looks like it may be resolved? I now see my old SB profile on the new unit’s roster.


I have merged your Scoutbook accounts. Because your FN, MN, LN and DOB matched, the system should not have generated a 2nd Scoutbook account. I have asked the developers to investigate.

I have updated your ID to have your new BSA Member ID as primary. Use it to log in to Scoutbook.

When you move to a new council, a new BSA Member ID (MID) is generated as Councils have their own set of numbers. The issue here is Member Update, the process that updates Scoutbook, should not have created a new ID for you but instead changed the MID on the existing account to your new MID.

Thanks for the quick support. Looks good.

Follow-up question … did all my training records port over to the new council?

They should move to your new MID within 24 hours.

@KatherineBynum I have merged her Scoutbook accounts. I found 4 BSA member ID numbers for her. 14660043 is currently set as “primary”, because that MID has her Lion Adult Partner registration.

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