Adult Leader's YPT Training Missing

We have a leader info on Scoutbook ID 11530585 Member ID 137079197. He recently completed YP and his certificate listed his Member ID 13383772 and YP has not been updated on

@KeithSmith4 This leader has a duplicate BSA member number, because he created a my.scouting account using his nickname instead of his first name, so the system did not find a match.

I have managed the leader’s BSA member numbers. The training should merge overnight.

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Thank You for the quick response. Question how do I enter an issue with adding on to someone else post?

If you pick the category first (for example: My Scouting Tools), then you should see the “+ New Topic” button.

Yet another issue. We have a new leader that completed YP training and was assigned ID 14566616 and when adult application was turned in different ID number was assigned ID 14632018 appeared with her name on roster. Also, she is a Lion den leader not a committee member. Thanks for your help.

Could you tell me how to add a new post to forum? We discussed earlier and it seems somewhat confusing? Thanks

@KeithSmith4 I see a pending registration as a Committee Member for this adult. The Chartered Organization Representative (or COR Delegate) will need to change the registration.

I think we are now in the Recharter window for your unit, so it might be easiest for your COR (or COR Delegate) to contact your local council and ask them to change the registration to Lion Den Leader.

If it’s pending then why does she appear on our roster of So what happens when registration is completed will she be entered on Scoutbook?

Yes, she should show up in Scoutbook tomorrow (an automated Membership Update process runs every night).

Hi, Keith,

There’s a post on how to start new discussions here: Unable to Access Boys or Girls Troop IA. Was able to Yesterday. September 1st? - #5 by CharleyHamilton

I know the topic of that thread seems unrelated, but someone else happened to ask the same question there recently.

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