Online Applications not loading 8/16/2023

I’ve been reading others having issues with leads and such and saw where the issues were being sent to tech. I think I’ve found another. This happened to us once last year and now again. A new scout submits a new application and the cubmaster and I (comittee chair) get the email that its there. When I log in though it shows 0 in the progress summary but 1 on the right side on complete. None of us accepted it. When I try to click “More Info” on the completed one it doesnt go anywhere. We were able to see that the scout is now on our roster so we have the contact info we need…but has anyone else had applications accepted without accepting them? Its almost the same issue as the thread below, but applications instead of leads. Anyone know the email to submit tech issues to?

Continuing the discussion from Invitation Manager Stiil not working 8-14-2023:

(If you are reporting an issue with My.Scouting, please include all of the following items so we can better assist you:
1) Hardware: Desktop or Mobile (if mobile, please be specific)
2) Operating system
3) Browser
4) Browser cache has been cleared or you are using a private browsing mode (aka Incognito Window in Chrome)
5) Member ID & Council of person affected
Thank you!)

on the Unit Settings page - do you have Auto Accept youth toggle on? In my units I keep that on.

Screen Shot 2023-08-17 at 9.32.51 AM

Haha! Yes! Thank you! Do you know why the “More info” wouldnt let me click on an app? I’m trying to think pro/con real quick on having that toggle on or off. I like the feature…but would like to actually be able to see the app.

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Well the app is somewhat irrelevant if auto-accepted? what info would you want? If like parent info, it would be in SB the next day

Well, thats what I’m not sure. I’m trying to think if there would ever be any reason that we woudn’t accept a scout. I can’t think of any off hand, so might as well leave it toggled on. I guess it would be nice to see it in the completed list and just be able to know who to look for on the roster. The scouts name is on the email notification but on the dashboard you just have to go look at the roster and scroll to find that scout.

More Info still doesnt work, but thats probably just a glitch…I’ll bet that would be where it would say the scouts name and den for a quick reference to who was added to the roster.

I would assume it would stay in completed for 90 days - but it has been awhile since being in that role

I just went back and looked and its now there and showing under completed! The only difference was today I accpeted to allow this site to send me notifications…so I wonder if that did it? Thanks for your help on directing me to the auto toggle. I use Chrome as my browser and sometimes I really wonder if its not making my life difficult with cookies and blockers and such! Thanks

@JessicaHandwork In the Application Manager, you should be able to access (view) previous applications.

In the gray bar, click on the filter icon (looks like a funnel). Change the “From Date” to whatever you want, and check the box for “Completed”. (You can also check the box for “Closed”, and this will allow you to see applications that were closed, but not completed.)

As CM a few years ago, I received 1-2 apps per year from folks I didn’t know, who hadn’t come to a meeting, and who wouldn’t respond when I followed up with them with additional info about the Pack. Yeah, that’s odd behavior for someone who just applied… but people are funny like that. By not auto-accepting apps, I kept those “no-shows” off the roster.

Granted, this was in the early days of online apps, where the membership fee was cheaper. (It was only a few pro-rated months and just the national fee at first.) One hopes the new larger (national + council) annual fee raises the commitment and follow-through level.

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@SageLichtenwalner - we turned online apps off for that very reason in addition to our council not allowing adult online apps. I found no reason to be in with online apps

Two things to know - (1) the online app will become MORE important as we move to the new membership model where a member’s registration is not tied to the unit recharter. (2) The days of Councils not allowing Adult applications online will also be ending. The online application will become the primary means of registration as we move forward.

So, finding, and fixing errors now is more important than ever.

@RonaldBlaisdell will there be a user way to establish AKELA Relationships if they are dependent for the process?

The presentation I received did not cover that topic. I would check with SUAC on that since that directly relates to Scoutbook.

@RonaldBlaisdell no it does not - there are Parent relationships in AKELA - can be seen under My Applications if they exist - they are needed for things like BeAScout to transfer - we will see if IT thought it through - SUAC has been asking for some time on this

@RonaldBlaisdell - I am not sure about the allowing adult apps in PA… that would go against state law

Councils can add requirements that must be completed outside of the online channel (wet finger prints in PA, AB506 training in CA) but they will still be required to use the new system, however their apps will not auto-approve once the BSA background check and BSA YPT are completed.

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Required is a strong word. Northern Star Council does not and has no plans to use any of the BSA’s registration tools. They have their own registration and recharter process via Black Pug and until the BSA removes some restrictions like a cap on fees, forcing Councils to charge a new member fee, and provides more data to the Council on its members, they will not be using the national systems.


@RonaldBlaisdell - good luck convincing PA to go in that direction

@DonovanMcNeil - I think it was the terminology that threw me off. You are asking about parent-child relationships. Akela is the database. So when you say “Akela relationships” I am thinking about database table relationships, not parents & scouts! lol

So, based on that, one thing I can see is “Update online registration to allow multiple registrations in the same transaction.” This was specifically designed with parent & scout simultaneous registration. And a new report “Youth Members without Parent/Guardian” to help find all the “lost” records.

Yeah if it uses those relationships users HAVE to be able to establish them - we cannot rely (burden) councils only to do it.