Please merge account profiles

@JanelleVorreiter log into > Click Manage Member ID > one of the BSA # will be there marked PRIMARY > then add the other MID (BSA #) - you want to make the one that is your unit registration PRIMARY > Then go to and log in using your credentials

As long as Full name and DOB match this should solve it unless you also have 2 SB users

Hello Mr McNeil,
Thank you so much for your reply.
I had tried that previously and I received the above error message.
My son has been a scout for 6-7 years and I don’t think he ever had a profile in my.scouting before now. He may have had a account, I just don’t remember. Are and my.scouting linked together?

Our Scoutmaster has asked that we set these up for an upcoming SeaBase trip. However, I keep going around in circles while trying to do this.
Any other ideas?

@JanelleVorreiter ok that is fixed - check the DOB at or Scoutbook as they were different

I am beyond grateful for your assistance today!
Thank you so much. Indeed the DOB are different. The one in my.scouting is correct. Is there any way to edit the one in without going through the council?

@JanelleVorreiter let me see is it 10 or 20?

Hi all, I have an adult that was registered in a different council, but their former council did not enter a DOB for them. I suspect they may also have two SB profiles as well. Tried to help them add a second member ID but it is not working, likely due to the missing DOB. Profile with correct birthdate is under 140263446, old profile with missing birthdate is 13463269. Should I contact the old council or is this something that can be fixed as part of the SB account merge?

@AndrewBurns let us look

@AndrewBurns that is all fixed

20 (XXXXXXXXXX) is the correct birthdate

@JanelleVorreiter ok that is fixed

thank you so much for all of your assistance
have a great day!

Hi Y’all,

Working to clean up 8 adult accounts for two related troops, T 188 B & G. The ones I think to keep I marked with *. I reviewed these w/ our council registrar yesterday. She was able to update some names and birthdays to possibly make it so the adult can manage their own accounts. Can SUAC solve some of these? Once these are all dealt with, I will check the scouts connections w/ their parents to confirm the correct MID is used in Akela.

  1. MID 13781272* & 13249315
  2. MID 13102858* & 12382744
  3. MID 137219916* & second SB account
  4. MID 127986421* & second SB account
  5. MID 127976634* & second SB account
  6. MID 13699829 scout has parent connected twice. Please merge parent accounts and keep all youth connections
  7. MID127038788* & 4 other MIDs & another SB account
  8. MID 12040758* ASM + MBC & 3967169 SM = need suggestions for how to deal w/ this

This is fixed. This adult should log in with her my.scouting username – not her e-mail address.

This is fixed. This adult should also log in with her my.scouting username – not her e-mail address.

Please ask your Registrar to use the Registrar Tools to look up her children. In the “Relationships” section, she should be listed as parent under BSA number 13102858. They should remove her if listed as parent under the other BSA member number.

This should be fixed. He should log in with his my.scouting username – not his e-mail address.

Please ask your Registrar to use the Registrar Tools to look up his child (or children). In the “Relationships” section, he should be listed as parent under BSA number 137219916. They should remove him if listed as parent under other BSA member numbers.

This is fixed.

This one is fixed.

This is fixed. This adult has 2 usernames at my.scouting. He should pick one to keep and your local council can retire the other one with their Volunteer Support Tools (VST). (Or we can.)

I have merged her Scoutbook accounts. She also has 2 usernames at my.scouting. She should pick one to keep and your local council can retire the other one with their Volunteer Support Tools (VST). (Or we can.)

I would recommend asking your local council to use their Registrar Tools to look up her children. In the “Relationships” section (in Registrar Tools) she should be listed as parent only under BSA member number 127038788. They should remove her if she is listed as a parent under other BSA member numbers. Otherwise, her BSA numbers might get flipped at the next Recharter.

12040758 - Active registrations as a troop Committee Member and also MBC.
3967169 - Active registration as a Scoutmaster and also has Eagle Scout rank from when he was a youth.

Both of these BSA member numbers appear to belong to your council. My suggestion would be for the council Registrar to figure out which BSA member number to keep, end the registration(s) on the other number, then add the registrations to the BSA number that is being kept.

The parent / child relationships (in Registrar Tools) also appear to be split between the 2 BSA member numbers. They would also need to be fixed.

Thank you @JenniferOlinger for dealing with these accounts. I have texted folks and will post an update when I hear back about 6-8.

Can you please merge these 2 accounts?


@RobertBrodner that is fixed in SB - but council needs to clean it up on registration side really

Leader with #137468094 has two accounts. This is the only number that shows up on SB roster. However, when I use Internet Advancement to log in activities, there are two adults with this name. His son also has the same name and his number is 132882662. I think this is what is keeping him from being able to log into SB. Thanks!

@KarenHaaser I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

Can you please merge these 2 member ids?