Merging Two Scoutbook Accounts - NOT BSA Accounts


I have merged the Scout’s accounts. His 2nd BSA Member ID (MID) was deleted so I also changed the MID associated with his account to the active MID.

The mother’s MID have different last names and are both active. Please have your council clean these up then once we know which MID to use we can merge the accounts.

@DonovanMcNeil / @edavignon / @JenniferOlinger

Can you please merge the following Scout?

The first scout I have is:
BSA ID 135221133 merge into 129667021
(unfortunately ID 135221133 has his birthdate incorrect. Hopefully that won’t interfere)

The second scout I have is:
BSA ID 132997245 merge into 131466953

Thank you,

@BrianPieslak what is the current unit? are these Scouts Multi-registered?

Hi @DonovanMcNeil .

Current unit is NCAC Troop 1250
Previous unit was BAC Troop 2016

One possible challenge in discussing with our NCAC district office is that both scouts started in NCAC as Cubs, then bridged over to BAC to join a Troop, and are now back in NCAC. So they have substantial advancement in both BSA member IDs.

I don’t know if that’s a problem or not, just something unique we’ve observed in this situation.

Please let me know if there’s anything else I can provide to help.


@BrianPieslak these are fixed

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@DonovanMcNeil - THANK YOU!

Can I buy you a cup of coffee or something as a thank you??

This is a huge relief to finally have their accounts merged.

Hi Donovan, I’m having the issue with another leader.
(Name removed) has her parent id 136999872 and then she recently found out she has 137201477 as a committee member. Can you merge these two? She can’t do YPT training right now.
I would greatly appreciate it!!

@HollyJagger those SB Users are merged - not sure what that has to do with YPT

she couldn’t log in but thank you!!!

@HollyJagger she currently is using the Google Login Button

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Hi. I have a Leader app we turned in and put in at the top that Parent’s current BSA information and they created a new one. Can you merge them?

The original was USER ID: 11959681 and BSA: 13924924 and the new one is 131318599.

We just found this out when I was doing preliminary checks before we Recharter tomorrow.

@TabithaKappel these are fixed - DOB are different on them - might want to check with council

@DonovanMcNeil Thank you so much. I will double check with them. :slight_smile:

A post was split to a new topic: Parent with Multiple Accounts

I somehow have two scoutbook accounts. I should be aligned to Transatlantic Pack 90 but somehow got aligned to Puerto Rico. One of my accounts is still aligned to Northern Virginia. I can’t see any of our Pack information in either login (I am the committee chair). I tried sending an email but it got kicked back because the inbox is full. The two numbers are 14056192 and 135422060. Thanks! Dana

@DanaCarnaggio I fixed accounts - but you are not registered in TAC - might be recharter but hard to tell

Ok thanks. What do I need to do register in TAC?

@DanaCarnaggio you have to fill out an adult application for TAC Unit if you have not

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@DonovanMcNeil I have a Leader (who you have merged before and when we did Recharter, I have no idea what happened, but he has 2 different BSA ID and neither have correct email).

BSA ID - 13924924 I believe is the Leader one that has an email but is wrong and has old address and a different council registered with it
BSA ID - 131318599 is an random one with barely any information in it

Is there another BSA ID out there with the right one possibly that has the right email and address and council possibly?

@TabithaKappel do they want the @homelaw email?